Author: Kelly Adao
As the radio advertising market was expanding, the Agence Havas and its subsidiary Avenir Publicité created a new specialist to this phenomenon, the IP (Information et Publicité).
The deal with IP wasn’t a coincidence. In fact, at the time, the managing director of the IP, Robert Tabouis was also one of the main shareholders of the CLR. They decided to expand and established further institutions in various countries as for instance Germany in 1960 and Luxembourg in 1963
The IPL (Informations et Publicité Luxembourg) is responsible for selling advertising space not only on radio, but also television, internet, cinema and in public surfaces. They are equally responsible for broadcasting ads on RTL Telé Letzevuerg, RTL Radio Letzebuerg and Eldoradio, which have to be in Luxemburgish. The IP then adapts, creates all these ads specific to the Luxemburgish characteristics.
Advertisement created by IP for a Luxemburgish insurance company in 1982 (source: CNA)
Maréchal Denis (2010), RTL Histoire d’une radio populaire, Paris: Nouveau monde
RTL Group, Backstage RTL Group, Backstage, Close-up on the Luxemburgish media market, week 47, 2015