Author: Ester Codegoni

Quitte ou double: Abbé Pierre. ©RTL Group Archives.

From 1950 to 2006 the radio program “Quitte ou Double” animated the audience. The most famous conductor was Zappy Max and the last one to conduct the program was  Jean-Pierre Foucault. This radiophone game develop a new concept of audience; actually this one could also participate by phone. This aspect got everyone evolved in the game.

Every Wednesday night at 20.30 pm you could hear “Quitte ou Double” on Radio Luxembourg in more than 500 cities between Luxembourg, France, Belgium, thanks to Radio Circus.  

Abbé Pierre was the most popular participant of this game. In 1952 he won 256.000 francs.



“Quitte ou Double!”2 par Zappy Max, Edité avec le concours des “Amis de Radio – Luembourg

Les Cahiers Luxembourgeois, numéro de Noël 1954, Editions Raymon Mehlen, Luxembourg